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Growing Community in Times of Isolation

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Greetings dear Community

The past weeks have turned the world and the way we do things upside down as the world adjusts to new norms like “social-distancing”, “self-isolation” and “quarantine”. But it’s in these times when we need human contact more than ever before, and not the ordinary, socially meaningless contact purported by social media either, but the kind of contact that makes us feel more whole.

The Institute For Creative Conversation believes that there is an opportunity, in this upside down COVID19 world, to find ways to do community better than before, an opportunity to truly connect and a responsibility to engage with each other in a way that not only protects our physical health, but our mental and spiritual health too

What if this journey begins with taking responsibility for our own COVID19 story?

We offer three ways in which we can choose to position ourselves in the weeks ahead. Read more on

One of the spaces we have created for conversation and community is a Forum Page on our website. Currently we have 6 discussion boards that we feel might make our days of lockdown meaningful

Prayer Practices - offering suggestions and practices to keep us connected with God.

Comforting Recipes - for us to share favourite recipes, ideas for nourishment in times of isolation and food memories. In the words of Natale Rudland-Wood, "The realms of food are rich realms of meaning, story and connection"

Storytelling through a camera lens -

How about joining us on a 21-day journey of storytelling your everyday life through your cellphone camera lens? No fancy cameras required! Visit this discussion board for some helpful tips to get you started

With many of us having time on our hands in the weeks ahead, lets get creative and share ideas about what we are doing

Be Calm - offers suggestions for living with dis-ease and mental health problems in times of Isolation

Movement - to remind us of the importance of movement and exercise as self-care

Please sign up on this Forum page and let’s keep the conversations going!

For anyone needing to chat, we will be available for sessions via zoom and Whatsapp video call. Please contact Nicky on 0834070763 or 0630905093 to set up an appointment!

In closing, a prayer from the Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland:

God of the fire and God of the wind, God of the silent sound, when you speak to us, you do so in ways we may not expect but cannot ignore. Allow us in this time of frantic noise and eerie stillness to listen again to the wind and the earth, to the gentle whisper of you calling our name. And may we hear in your voice words of love and hope, the good news of your presence with us still. Amen.

Lets keep connected whilst keeping apart!

The i4cc Team


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