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To create different spaces for people to connect with God through creativity, silence, dialogue, rest, writing & prayer. We create these space through many ways that are unique and will deepen your relationship with God. 

Days of Reflection (The Institute for Creative Conversation)

Also know as a retreat day or a quiet day.  Days of reflection are about setting intentional time aside and stepping away from daily activities to spend some time in the presence of God

Days of Reflection

Retreats (The Institute for Creative Conversation)

Our Retreats, hosted at various times throughout the year, provide you with the perfect opportunity for deep reflection and introspection while seeking a deeper connection with God.


Hearts on Fire (The Institute for Creative Conversation)

Hearts on Fire

Experience a spirituality for everyday life and find a pathway to deeper prayer, good decisions and an active life of service to others. This six week journey invites you to find God in all things.

Week of Guided Prayer (The Institute for Creative Conversation)

Set time aside each day during the retreat to pray and to meet with a Prayer Guide who will listen to you and provide guidance on prayer and give suggestions for your prayer during the week as well as introducing new prayer methods.

Week of Guided Prayer

Spiritual Accompaniment (The Institute for Creative Conversation)

"Spiritual direction is a time-honoured term for a conversation, ordinarily between two persons, in which one person consults another, more spiritually experienced person about the ways in which God may be touching her or his life, directly or indirectly. In our postmodern age, many people dislike the term 'spiritual direction' because it sounds like one person giving directions, or orders, to another. They prefer 'spiritual companionship,' 'tending the holy,' or some other nomenclature. What we call it doesn't make any real difference. The reality remains conversations about life in the light of faith."

Marian Cowan, CSJ

Spiritual Companionship

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